How can I enter my tax ID?

In order for us to be able to bill you correctly for tax purposes, we need your tax ID and information about the type of employment. You can enter this information in the jobvalley app.

Your tax ID (also tax identification number/IdNr. or also Steuer-IDNr.) consists of 11 digits. It may look like this for example: 

You can find it, among other things, on your income tax statement which you receive once a year by mail from your responsible tax office after submitting your tax return or on the income tax statement from your employer.

If you have not yet filed a tax return or if you are unable to find your tax ID, you can simply ask your local tax office for it.

You can find more info about the tax ID here.

If you have any further questions regarding your tax ID, you can get in touch with your contact person at jobvalley. You can find your contact person e.g. in the email you received when you started working at Studitemps.

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