What are the job recommendations?

On Jobmensa you will receive new job recommendations every day that match your job preferences.

To see your daily recommendations, visit the "Jobempfehlungen" (Job recommendations) section. 

If you like a job recommendation, click on "Bewerben" (Apply)

Click on the star button if you find a job interesting but want to apply later. The job will then be added to your watch list.

If you don't like a job, click "Nichts für mich" (Not for me). If there are no more job recommendations left for you, you can either search directly in the job search itself or check out new job recommendations the next day.

If the recommendations don't suit you at all, you can change your job preferences at any time. To do so, click on the menu item "Konto" (Account) in the navigation and select "Jobempfehlungen" (Job preferences).

Do you want to find out more about Jobmensa.de and jobvalley? Visit About us.