How does the “Schnellbewerbung” (quick application) work?

If you apply for a jobvalley-Job online via Jobmensa, you do not need a cover letter. The “Schnellbewerbung” (quick application) enables you to apply super fast and hassle-free.

You can use “Schnellbewerbung” for all jobvalley-Jobs. They are easily recognisable via the clock icon next to the hourly wage.

How to use “Schnellbewerbung” by jobvalley:

  1. Open “Jobsuche” (job search) and search for your desired job.
  2. Select a job ad with the clock icon. You will see the button “Bewerbung absenden” (send application), for a “Schnellbewerbung” for the respective job ad.
  3.  Click the blue button to send your application. For some jobs you need to additionally select shifts or upload a photo, in case you did not add one in your jobvalley profile already. If your jobvalley profile is not complete, don’t worry. You can always update it after applying: Your jobvalley contact will always see the latest version of your profile.

If you only want to see jobs that allow the “Schnellbewerbung”, simply use our “Schnellbewerbung” job filter.

Select “Nur Jobs mit Schnellbewerbung” (only show jobs with quick application) in the job search above the job ads.

If you want to show all job ads, simply deactivate the “Schnellbewerbung” job filter.

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